雅思口语范文part2: 坏掉的设备

作者:小编老师来源:网络时间:2020-10-21 16:07:54

摘要:本文为大家带来雅思口语*范文part2: 坏掉的设备的话题及参考范文介绍,希望大家能够关注,高效备考。下面是具体内容,仅供大家参考。



  Describe a time that a piece of equipment of yours was broken (such as TV)

  You should say:

  what the equipment was;

  when the problem was

  what you did after it was broken

  and how you felt about it


  我特别想说一说我曾经的笔记本电脑。它是一款苹果的2013版十三寸Macbook Air。在我拿到我*份兼职的钱后我就买了它。

  I really want to say something about my retired laptop, which is a 13 inches Macbook Air bought in late 2013 when got sums from my first part-time job.

  这台笔记本有很多优点。我那时几乎没看到市面上还有像这台苹果电脑如此又薄又漂亮的电脑。另外, 这台电脑的搡作系统从来没有拖延我的工作,我可以在几秒钟的时间启动它,非常高效。这大概就是我为啥选这么一个时髦的东西的原因了吧。

  This laptop has lots of merits. I barely see anything counterpart that has the same good-looking and slim appearance. Plus, the system is awesome as it never slows my work, and I can definitely start it in seconds, which is extremely efficient. That’s probably the main reason why I chose this IT thing at the very beginning.

  但是呢,糟糕的事情还是有的。虽然很轻薄, 但这并不总是一件好事。当我坐在星巴克完成余下工作的时候, 我用一只手从背包掏出了我的笔记本。但是我高估了我的细心程度, 电脑的一边直接撞向了木桌子的一个角。当我意识到的时候, 电脑上已经有了一个坑。我翻开电脑盖子, 显示屏已经不能正常工作了。

  However, here comes the sad part. Being portable and slim isn’t always the perfect thing. When I was sitting in the Starbucks while processing my left work, I took it out from my backpack and was about to lay it on the desk with my hand. But I kind of overestimated my carefulness, you know one side of my Macbook Air just hit right on the wooden corner of the desk. When I realized it, it already got a pit on my little precious baby. When I open the lid, the display wasn’t functioning well.

  然后,我就立即去了苹果连锁店把它拿过去修。他们的工作人员告诉我显示屏坏掉了,得再替换一个。幸运的是,好在硬盘没问题, 不然存储在里面的信息就都没了。那是我*不愿意看到的情况。

  Then, I immediately rushed to the Apple chain store to have it fixed. The staff told me that the display was broken and I should replace it. Luckily, it wasn’t the hard disk, otherwise, the information stored in there would be damaged, and that’s the last thing I want to see.

  我付了款,大概一个月后拿到了修好的笔记本。自从那时起, 我给电脑加了*护套,每次都是双手紧紧的握着它拿出来。嗯,我能做的就这么多了。希望我以后更加小心一些。

  I paid the money and got the repaired one after like a month. Since then, I put it in a case and took it on firmly on my hands. Well, I think this is what I can do the most. Hopefully, I wouldn’t be such a careless person in the future.

  三、Part 3

  •What are the common home appliances that people use these days?

  •Do you think modern technology makes people lazier?

  •What can people do to protect their equipment from technical problems?

  •When an electronic item of yours does not work, would you repair it or buy a new one?

  •Are you good at handling problems on your own?




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