
作者:小编老师来源:网络时间:2020-10-18 15:32:08



  A new study suggests that the timing of a wound affects the speed at which it heals.

  Wounds suffered during the day heal around 60 percent faster than those sustained at night.

  The study showed how the body's circadian rhythm controlled the healing of wounds. The circadian rhythm is like a clock or timer. It tells our bodies when to wake up, eat and sleep in a cycle -- a series of activities that repeat themselves day after day. Each cycle lasts about 24 hours.

  In the study, researchers found that skin cells moved faster to repair wounds sustained during the day. Their findings were published in the journal Science Translational Medicine.

  The researchers examined cells, mice, and burn injury databases. Specifically, their investigation found the following information: Night-time burns - burns suffered between 8 o'clock at night and 8 o'clock the next morning - were 95 percent healed after an average of 28 days.

  But after an average of 17 days, daytime burns - burns sustained between 8 o'clock in the morning and 8 at night – were 95 percent healed.

  In other words, nighttime injuries took an average of 11 days longer to heal.

  The scientists say that circadian clocks play an important part in healing. Circadian clocks control many cells in the body and affect many biological processes, including sleeping.

  John O'Neill was a co-leader of the study. This is the first time that the circadian clock within individual cells has been shown to determine how effectively they respond to injuries, he said.

  O'Neill added We consistently see about a two-fold difference in wound healing speed between the body clock's day and night. It may be that our bodies have evolved to heal fastest during the day when injuries are more likely to occur.

  Wounds are very costly to treat. Worldwide, billions of dollars are spent every year on wound-treatment services. In Britain's National Health Services, for example, such services cost around $6.56 billion per year. Experts says the high costs result, in part, from a lack of drugs that speed up the closure of wounds.

  The findings, if confirmed by other studies, could have important implications for surgical operations and wound-healing medicines.

  John Blaikley works at Britain's University of Manchester. He said the new study's findings could help scientists develop better drugs. The findings, he added, could also help doctors understand the best time of day to do a surgery or give medicine.

  I'm John Russell.

  1.circadian rhythm 生物节律

  "Our circadian rhythm wants us to sleep at night," she said.


  2.day after day 日复一日

  In our house, at the time, a cascade of musical emotion was gushing forth day after day, hourafter hour, its scattered spray reflecting into our being a whole gamut of rainbow colours.


  3.result from... 由……造成

  Her blindness of both eyes resulted from a traffic accident.


  4.in other words 换句话说

  In other words, you may not be sure what to do next in this predicament.


  5.Wounds suffered during the day heal around 60 percent faster than those sustainedat night.

  at night 在晚上,在夜晚

  We will transit the strait at night.


  He entered the church alone at night.


  6.It tells our bodies when to wake up, eat and sleep in a cycle –

  wake up 醒来,苏醒

  Wake up and dress, now!


  You can go to bed with one view and wake up with another.












  约翰 奥尼尔是该研究的领头人之一。他表示,这是个体细胞内的生物钟*次展现出他们如何影响伤口的愈合。





  John Russell为您播报。



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